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The Global FlyFisher has recently been updated to a new publishing system, and there may be a few glitches while the last bits get fixed. If you meet anything that doesn't work, please let me know.
Martin -

Blog archive

Year: 2025
Post date Title Content Author
Another great flyshow

Another great Danish Fly Festival is over, and it was as always great being part of this excellent show.

Martin Joergensen
Upgrading while GFF gasps

I’m a good bit into upgrading the Global FlyFisher to the latest version of the publishing system. Meanwhile the old site is gasping

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2024
Post date Title Content Author
Upgrading ... again

It's time for another of these major updates of the tech behind the Global FlyFisher

Martin Joergensen
AI and the Muddler Minnow

I asked an Artificial Intelligence-system to talk about a GFF article about the Muddler Minnow, and the result is truly mind-blowing!

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2023
Post date Title Content Author
I stopped counting

For basically all the almost 30 years of its existence, I have been following the traffic patterns on GFF. I stopped about a year ago, and here is why.

Martin Joergensen
What happened to GFF?

For a painfully long time in August 2023 the Global FlyFisher was dead and gone. Our DNS-provider stumbled and took all their clients with them in the fall.

Martin Joergensen
GFF is still alive!

The site is back and in operation, but the downtime has led to some unfortunate errors, which I’m trying to fix as you read this

Martin Joergensen
A couple of leaders from Sweden

A couple of HL Leonard leaders were added to LeaderCalc thanks to Swedish Johan Algén

Martin Joergensen
The threat of Drupal 8… eh… 9... eh… 10!

GFF is running on Drupal 7, and Drupal 7 is terminal. It’s destined to die. And upgrading is not an easy task, not least because version 10 is already there.

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2022
Post date Title Content Author
Virtual fly tying

During Corona it has become quite common to have social gatherings online - Skype, Zoom, Teams ... you name it. Communal fly tying can be done in the same way

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2021
Post date Title Content Author
The up-to-date game

Maintaining a site with close to 18,000 pictures, 11,000+ video links and close to 3,000 articles means having a lot of stuff to keep up-to-date

Martin Joergensen
A lousy old fly rod

Some years back I had to fish with the oldest and worst fly rod I ever owned... and you know what? It wasn't bad at all.

Martin Joergensen
Being on Instagram

Social media can be a strange experience. It's really a mixed bag. And on Instagram 40% of all anglers seem to be women!

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2020
Post date Title Content Author
Counting newsletter openings and clicks

I have build a small Drupal-module, which enables me to see how many recipients open my newsletters and click on links in it

Martin Joergensen
Merging Wordpress content into Drupal

There’s a bunch of modules to help importing content into Drupal. My experience is that they are inadequate, and don’t do what I need. I prefer DIY.

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2019
Post date Title Content Author
About getting skunked

A part of fishing is not catching anything. If you're only in it for the catching, there's something you have misunderstood.

Martin Joergensen
Does anyone proofread this crap?

Yes, a non-native English speaker proofreads material from a host of mostly non-English amateur writers, and sometimes errors do slip through

Martin Joergensen
I'm on the air!

Dave Stewart from the podcast "Wet Fly Swing" contacted me for participation in one of his podcasts, and it’s now online to enjoy.

Martin Joergensen
The magazine image system

The blocks of nicely laid out images on GFF has required quite a bit of work to refine.

Martin Joergensen
Flies Photo Gadget v2.0

Russian Ramil Yamaliev has upgraded his fly photo ringlight, and improved its performance significantly

Martin Joergensen
All your book are belong to us!

A rather far fetched transcript of an internet meme* actually quite well covers my book situation right now.

Martin Joergensen
Bob brought two books

GFF partner Bob Petti visited, and even though we didn’t fish or tie flies, we talked quite a bit about fishing… and he brought two books

Martin Joergensen
Some books arrived

A few things happened during the last couple months that made me think of, buy and read nice fishing books again.

Martin Joergensen
Danish Fly Festival Impressions

Another Danish Fly Festival is over, and as always it was a great experience. Lots of people to meet, lots of things to see.

Martin Joergensen
Why I like tying at shows

In a few days I'm leaving for the Danish Fly Festival, and there I will be tying in the tyers row, an activity that I love

Martin Joergensen
Unlimited access... not

In principle there's free and unlimited access to all coasts in Denmark. That's what the law says. But in many places reality is different.

Martin Joergensen
Flies for a friend

A good friend offered me a macro flash he didn't use any more in exchange for a handful of flies

Martin Joergensen
My book register

My books used to be ordered by black magic, essentially a system where I stuffed in new titles where there was space. Things have changed.

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2018
Post date Title Content Author
Danish Fly Festival 2019

The biennial gathering of fly anglers, casters, tyers, vendors, artists, artisans and other good people will take place again in Denmark in early March 2019

Martin Joergensen
Lazy loading

Lazy loading is a performance improvement where images (and other assets) are loaded when needed, not when the page is loaded

Martin Joergensen
No tsundoku here!

Stacking up fishing books and never reading them… not here!

Martin Joergensen
When real life takes over

The publishing pace on GFF has almost come to a standstill. Real life has stuck its ugly head in the door and brought paid work

Martin Joergensen
Three strikes...

No, not strikes from fish, but strikes from spammers and wannabe guest posters who try to get their spam published on GFF. Three strikes and they get this.

Martin Joergensen
Why I hate complexity

It seems to me that a lot of software problems are solved by adding complexity. It's a bad solution. I hate it.

Martin Joergensen
Do you like this site?

If you do, you might consider supporting it in a slightly more substantial way. It's been free for decades... literally... but could use a little saltwater injection. Now accepting PayPal...

Martin Joergensen
Not a single cast

I just returned from a week-long fishing trip with my wife and a bunch of good friends – and I didn’t make a single cast.

Martin Joergensen
Green storage

My fly tying room and office is slowly taking shape - and color. A set of shelves and small chests were painted green.

Martin Joergensen
Caught between a book and a hard place

I was involuntarily involved in a disagreement between two authors and their publisher, and have now placed myself in a tight spot

Martin Joergensen
Drupal, YouTube and Vimeo integration

The GFF video section uses a few neat cowboy tricks to smoothly integrate videos from YouTube and Vimeo into the site

Martin Joergensen
The new GFF HQ

We have moved from an apartment to a house, and GFF is getting a larger and better equipped main office.

Martin Joergensen
That book thing, again...

Some books I just order, no hesitation. But when prices go above 200 US$ and postage follows close behind, my finger hesitates a bit over the buy button

Martin Joergensen
The decline of GFF

No, don't worry! It's not that GFF is disappearing, but the number of visitors isn’t what it used to be.

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2017
Post date Title Content Author
I bought myself a book… eh, two books

Due to some odd circumstances, I ordered myself two copies of the same book.

Martin Joergensen
Top Saltwater Flies

Three new books on saltwater flies seem to be a perfect item for the Christmas wish list for any saltwater fly angler

Martin Joergensen
Preserving old URLs

I'm surprised how little web publishers cherish their old URLs. When I browse old links to the outside from our articles, I constantly meet 404-pages. I value GFF’s old web-addresses, and here's how I maintain them.

Martin Joergensen
To like or not to like

Facebook is a strange universe. A fantastic resource and at the same time a source of endless, useless noise.

Martin Joergensen
Why tying with others is great

Meeting up with a bunch of people and tying flies together doesn't just provide good company, but also education - and an easy shortcut to new fly names

Martin Joergensen
Do me a favor, kiss your spouse

It has been brought to my attention that my post about not postponing your fishing trips has caused a bit of friction in some relationships. I need to set a few things straight.

Martin Joergensen
The mothers’ yarns

I have recently had a pretty decent injection of fly tying material to my stock. I call it the mothers’ yarns because it came from my own mother and my mother-in-law.

Martin Joergensen
Getting review ratings shown on Google

Google can pick up quite a lot of structured information from your site, and you can help by presenting it correctly

Martin Joergensen
The Path of the Jaguar

This is a film project that aims to highlight the value of some of Colombia 's main river systems, which have been hidden and protected for half a decade, and you have the opportunity to support the project.

Martin Joergensen
Node number 50,000

Just the other day the Global FlyFisher crossed the 50,000 node nid mark in the database. GFF is a large site, but still far from any boundaries set by Drupal.

Martin Joergensen
Oh, books!

As many readers know, reading books is one of my passions in fly fishing, and the titles on my table right now perfectly illustrate why

Martin Joergensen
After the Festival

The Danish Festival is over and I'm slowly getting used to talking to people who don't talk about fly tying and fly fishing. It's not easy!

Martin Joergensen
Off to the Fly Festival 2017

Tomorrow I will leave for a couple of days of fly tying, being with good friends and maybe spending a little money on fly tying

Martin Joergensen
Let’s support Davie McPhail

Scottish fly tyer Davie McPhail posted something on Facebook that I think deserves a bit of attention.

Martin Joergensen
No fast forward!

I now officially hate - like in deplore, detest, despise, loathe - fly tying videos with fast forward sequences.

Martin Joergensen
The Danish Fly Festival 2017

If you reside in Denmark, northern Germany or southern Sweden, this is an event you should mark in your calendar

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2016
Post date Title Content Author
The coolest bobbin holder

If you want a really cool bobbin holder, carbon fiber and all, it's off to Kickstarter to support Ilias Fn Karanzas' Apex Predator Bobbin project!

Martin Joergensen
Laser cut tool holders

I'm working on an article on tool holders and have been fooling around with a drawing program and a laser cutter

Martin Joergensen
Do me a favor: go fishing!

Yeah, I know it's winter in the northern hemisphere, but a friend's recent passing and an old picture got me to write this.

Martin Joergensen
A little about caching

A site as GFF needs some level of caching in order to be able to deliver pages fast without bogging down the server or database

Martin Joergensen
Why the drama?

Why is it that fishing shows on TV have to be either drama, competition or exaggeration - or all three?

Martin Joergensen
Fighting spam on GFF

Here's a rundown of the different things I do to keep spammers from posting on the Global FlyFisher

Martin Joergensen
The Regal mystery

There's a gazillion tyers who love the Regal style, angled spring clamp fly-tying vises, but I always wondered why they are so popular

Martin Joergensen
The fixed top menu

A lot of sites feature a part of the page – typically a top menu – that is fixed to the top of the screen when you scroll down. Here are some thoughts about such a feature and how to do it.

Martin Joergensen
The technology behind LeaderCalc

This is the story about the adaptation of the old LeaderCalc spreadsheet to a Drupal module that drives a web based system

Martin Joergensen

A couple of weeks ago my Facebook wall started overflowing with great fly photos. I think I should thank David Hise for that.

Martin Joergensen
The GFF Drupal theme

The Drupal theme that's used on the Global FlyFisher is home made from scratch. I deplore large and complex themes, and prefer simple and compact.

Martin Joergensen
The new newsletter

I reinstated the GFF Newsletter that we stopped sending a decade ago. This article is about the system driving the new newsletter.

Martin Joergensen

This section tells a bit about the technology behind and development of the Global FlyFisher. Nothing at all about fishing or fly tying, but interesting to some.

Martin Joergensen
Friends, rods and sausages

Today was the day of the annual and traditional get-together arranged by the Copenhagen Fly Casting Club. Enjoyable as always.

Martin Joergensen
Contacting companies

It's amazing how some companies manage to totally ignore all attempts to contact them. Why do they have email, contact forms and Facebook pages, if they don't reply when people use them?

Martin Joergensen
New Danish hooks

New hook brands isn't something we see ever so often, but just recently two Danish hook series have seen the light of day

Martin Joergensen
If I had boobs

It seems to me that success in fly fishing, fly tying, guiding, writing or filming as well as social media can be secured by simply being a young and reasonably good looking woman

Martin Joergensen
Tying session in the woods

Thirty-some fly tyers met in a restaurant in Denmark, ate some good food and tied flies together

Martin Joergensen
Newsletter revival

I'm working on a revival of the Global FlyFisher Newsletter, which was sent out for a short period many years ago.

Martin Joergensen
My morning with videos

Every morning before I start working I go though a bunch of fishing and tying videos. Join me on such a video spree

Martin Joergensen
Pay-per-view tying

I'm not planning on making paid tying videos, but have seen more and more of them online. My small survey says that it's not good business.

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2015
Post date Title Content Author
My Secret Fly Reel Fetish

If I had enough money (and space) I would indulge in an extravagant fly reel fetish

Martin Joergensen
A guest post for your blog

Ever so often I get a mail asking if I would like to have guest posts on the Global FlyFisher. I have turned down every offer until now and here's why.

Martin Joergensen
Site upgrade done

...almost. The new site is running smoothly and things have settled in. Traffic is stable and most pages are adapted to the new design.

Martin Joergensen
Image theft

We pride ourselves on many and good images. A lot of other people also like our images... some a little too much, actually!

Martin Joergensen
Danish Fly Festival 2015

The biennial fly show The Danish Fly Festival takes place this year in the weekend April 11th and 12th. I will be there. How about you?

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2014
Post date Title Content Author
I F***ing Love Fish Science!

Scientific reports about fish and environment might not seem to be the most exciting to us anglers, but the work done by scientists is extremely important in keeping and eye on and improving our fishing waters.

Martin Joergensen
Summer casting party

Sunshine, lots of fly rods, a large grass lawn, good company and sausages on the barbecue. What's not to like?

Martin Joergensen
Kiss the Water

Buy a great video and support Project Healing Waters

Martin Joergensen
A glimpse of trout secrets

Yesterday I went and saw a preview of the new videos on coastal sea trout fishing by Danish Niels Vestergaard, and they are pretty exiting to put it mildly

Martin Joergensen
GFF made a nickel in a day!

The Global FlyFisher has just gone through one of the largest changes ever, and the money is rolling in... sort of

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2013
Post date Title Content Author
The Blue Marble

We have used an image of earth shot from space in our logo for 20 years. The picture has a fascinating 40 year story

Martin Joergensen
New boat

I was growing really tired of my old pontoon boat and decided on getting a kayak again. This time an inflatable one.

Martin Joergensen
Good books

I did my usual trip through on Paul Morgan's Coch-y-Bonddu book site, and found more great offers than I usually do. I thought I'd share some of them with you.

Martin Joergensen
Ode to three books - and Mike

I just saved more than 4,200 US$ on three used books. Now that's what I call a bargain!

Martin Joergensen
Teaching and tying in the US

I will be both teaching and tying with the GFF team at the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum May 18th. Drop by if you're in the area.

Martin Joergensen
Almost Gone Fishin'

The coming week I will be off fishing a bit. This year's first trip for me. My fishing sure isn`t what it used to be.

Martin Joergensen
6000% profit!

I have been writing about expensive books before, and still maintain a list of ridiculously priced books. Now I bought one of them - at a "normal" price.

Martin Joergensen
That Festival Feeling

Every second year a few thousand fly-fishers and fly-tyers from Denmark and Germany gather ind the southern part of Denmark for the biennial Fly Festival

Martin Joergensen
Intimidated by a streamer

I wanted to tie a Carrie Stevens, Rangerly style New England streamer, but was surprised how hard it actually was

Martin Joergensen
Danish Fly Festival 2013

The biennial Danish Fly Festival will take place the weekend March 23rd and 24th in Kolding in southern Denmark. Want to meet there?

Martin Joergensen
Another year on GFF

So we went from 2012 to 2013, and GFF is still running smoothly with a good frequency of articles and videos and lots of readers and viewers

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2012
Post date Title Content Author
The video formerly known as...

I attended the sneak preview of the video Only the River Knows, formerly known as The Trout Also Rises. Great video! I'm looking forward to reviewing the DVD.

Martin Joergensen
Go fishing!

Things have been different the last couple of years. September and October used to be some of my busiest fishing months. Not so any more...

Martin Joergensen
Oarless on Fyn

I have no idea whether oarless is a word, but being on a week long fishing trip, depending on a pontoon boat and having no oars sucks!

Martin Joergensen
Online fishing magazines

I have presented the online magazines before on our blog, but the number of Flash/PDF-based online fishing magazines seems to be steadily growing (if not exploding!), and I wanted to return to this phenomenon.

Martin Joergensen
Chugging along

I'm back in the saddle, vacation is over and GFF has been taking care of itself for a few weeks. Amazing how well it behaves... knock on wood!

Martin Joergensen
Gone fishin'

I will be off fishing for the next week. GFF will trot on, but don't expect immediate reactions to comments and emails.

Martin Joergensen
Xtra Global Class!

Inflation has hit our review scale, which has been needing an adjustment for a while. Say welcome to Xtra Global Class.

Martin Joergensen
Sorry Mr. Jintao!

We have had to generally block any incoming traffic from China due to an excessive load from servers trying to hack their way into our system.

Martin Joergensen
Book theft!

One of my all time favorite shops and definitely my favorite bookshop and its owner Paul Morgan were robbed this weekend.

Martin Joergensen
Let's help Travis

Travis Swartz is making a video called "Fish On - Stories From A Reel Recovery Retreat" about men fly-fishing their way back to a normal life after cancer. You can help make it happen.

Martin Joergensen
Essential Edwards

You can now enjoy Oliver Edwards' great videos, hang prints with his flies on the wall and even buy his patterns to fish with.

Martin Joergensen
Fleye Foils

Bob Popovics isn't exactly known for his traditional way of doing things, and his new product just emphasizes this

Martin Joergensen
Colorful beads

If you like to fool around with colors on your beaded nymphs, the French company Bidoz has just expanded their selection of colored beads.

Martin Joergensen
Old fly lines come alive

Flyvines turn old and worn out fly lines into something different: bracelets, lanyards and sunglass retainers

Martin Joergensen
Great books translated into German

Thomas Vinge's Danish books on seatrout flies have been translated into German, and have just been published. I cannot recommend them enough!

Martin Joergensen
RISE in Copenhagen

The world's best fly-fishing films are coming to Denmark. I missed it last year. That's not going to happen this year!

Martin Joergensen
Sculpin Helmets

Now this is a pretty interesting product! Looks good, adds weight and seems to be easy to tie with.

Martin Joergensen
The fantastic journey of three books

This is the story about how much we and our readers do to make us able to review books for you.

Martin Joergensen
Expensive books

I buy a lot of used books and save a lot of money. But while most used books are really inexpensive, a few are ridiculously expensive!

Martin Joergensen
Favorite flies

I just finished a new self-published book "Favorite flies for Baltic Seatrout" and ordered my own first two copies.

Martin Joergensen
The African fly connection

Here at the Global FlyFisher we get offers to buy flies all the time. 95% come from Nairobi in Kenya.

Martin Joergensen
8 minutes ago

How a hunt for a salmon DVD led me around the world and then some in 8 minutes...

Martin Joergensen
I did it again

My bookshelves are already filling up as it is, but I still have a very hard time with the online bookstores. I simply can't help it.

Martin Joergensen
What's The Global FlyFisher worth?

An approach from a business that wanted to buy The Global FlyFisher made me wonder: what's a site like this worth? And don't worry... we didn't sell!

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2011
Post date Title Content Author
New (old) books

Another bunch of books snuck their way into my life

Martin Joergensen
In Iceland, not fishing... almost

I'm currently traveling in Iceland with my family and thought I'd share a few pics with you.

Martin Joergensen
The shoulder thing

Where to put your rod when handling fish? On your shoulders behind your neck, of course!

Martin Joergensen
Used books and DVDs

I have always been a very willing buyer of used stuff, and buying used books and DVDs makes very good sense

Martin Joergensen
Moving day... again!

Well it's obviously that time of the year - or whatever time it is - because we are moving the site to a new server.

Martin Joergensen
A terrible day on GFF!

Regular visitors on GFF will have noticed an absence of the site the latest 24 hours or so... here's why.

Martin Joergensen
GFF lives!

New articles, new front page, new facilities. GFF's heart is beating steadily.

Martin Joergensen
Deep sea flies

Flies for fishing deep. Not my ususal kind of flies, but sometimes you need weight.

Martin Joergensen
I said so!

Style is everything! The guys over at Jazz and Fly Fishing have obviously read my latest articles.

Martin Joergensen
Danish Fly Festival

This past weekend was the time for the Danish Fly Festival, which takes place every second year.

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2010
Post date Title Content Author
Rise in Malmo

The festival was a bit marred by the bad weather, but a great experience anyway.

Martin Joergensen
Fly Film Festival

The Rise fly fishing film festival will have shows in several European towns featuring the best videos

Martin Joergensen
Sea Trout Secrets

A set of very good Danish DVD's have been translated into English.

Martin Joergensen
My new toy

Sailing, we are saaailing....! I just bought a cool pontoon boat.

Martin Joergensen
New age epoxy

Epoxy isn't what it used to be.

Martin Joergensen
On sale!

Some things make no sense, but we do them anyway - like driving 3 hours out and 3 hours home to go shopping.

Martin Joergensen
Another one!

Innocent fly anglers can also be lured into spending money on odd and probably worthless causes and products.

Martin Joergensen
Gotta try carp

Carp fishing with a fly has been suggested to me several times, but I never tried it.

Martin Joergensen
A different tube system

And I mean really, really different. Really!

Martin Joergensen
GFF had a heart stop

But we're out of the coma now!

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2009
Post date Title Content Author
BC Chronicles part 3

Well, BC is over and we've been home for a while now. And what a trip!

Martin Joergensen
Heads or tails

If this permit video trailer turns into a DVD, I'm on the preorder list!

Martin Joergensen
The BC Chronicles part 2

Less than a month to the trip, and things are completely chaos!

Martin Joergensen
Picky Bastard Cork

If you thought your rod had good cork, watch Andy Royer pick out the really good stuff

Martin Joergensen
DeYoung all over

Fishy artist Derek DeYoung is all over the place

Martin Joergensen
Tupperware-party with fly rods

We had some fun tonight with a bunch of CTS-rods built by Danish Ussing & Bech

Martin Joergensen
The BC Chronicles part 1

The first steps towards a two week BC trip in October

Martin Joergensen
Rügen bound

I'll be leaving for the first real spring fishing tomorrow - four days on German Rügen

Martin Joergensen
Cabin fever

Spring where art thou?

Martin Joergensen

You can now follow The Global FlyFisher on Twitter

Martin Joergensen
This is Fly

An anarchistic online fly magazine

Martin Joergensen
A New Year

GFF has turned 14 and then some, and 2009 will be an even bigger year than the previous

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2008
Post date Title Content Author
Gotta have!

Hand painted Abel reels. Whoa! Derek DeYoungs work. Whoa! Combined? Double whoa!

Martin Joergensen
Getting there

Things are coming into gear on the new GFF server

Martin Joergensen

GFF now runs from a US server - with a few hiccups

Martin Joergensen
Moving soon

OK, we have moved the first part of GFF. Now the rest is on its way.

Martin Joergensen
Partly moved

GFF is now spanning the Atlantic

Martin Joergensen
Moving... again

Yes, it's time to get GFF to a new and better server

Martin Joergensen
It's over!

The GFF Summit 2008 is over. And it was great!

Martin Joergensen
Hardy DVD

A British company with the fantastic name Trufflepig Films has made an interesting DVD about Hardy

Martin Joergensen
Shooting head fisher?

If you're a shooting head fisher, GFF might need your help

Martin Joergensen
GFF Summit 2008

The planning for this year's Summit is slowly commencing. This is the first official announcement.

Martin Joergensen
Ireland bound

Well, it's a dirty job, you know, but some one has to do all that traveling.

Martin Joergensen
King of the moonfish

I managed to squeeze in some real fishing in Florida thanks to GFF contributor Martin Bowers

Martin Joergensen
Florida bound

It's not a fishing vacation, but there are rods in the luggage!

Martin Joergensen
Thunder Creeks

These were the first Thunder Creek streamers I have ever tied. A couple weeks ago I was rummaging through a stack of Fly Tyer magazines and tripped across a profile of Keith Fulsher.

Bob Petti
Beautiful video

It might be Swedish, but this trailer shows some extraordinarily beautiful fishing scenes.

Martin Joergensen
Spring, snow, stress and flu

Officially spring has started. So of course it started snowing!

Martin Joergensen
Bloody weather!

Sorry for the politically very incorrect heading, but bloody weather is just what we have right now and have had for a month or two

Martin Joergensen
365 Flies

Artwork by Jeff Kennedy

Bob Petti
Absolutely last trip!

I managed to squeeze in one more trip before 2008

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2007
Post date Title Content Author
Severely struck

I have a heavy inflamation of cabin fever now -- and winter hasn't even really started yet

Martin Joergensen
White, white, white!

Snowed in

Bob Petti
Grey, grey, grey!

The weather here is awful! Fishing seems far away and work just all too close...

Martin Joergensen
Salmon River Chill

Steelheading weather

Bob Petti
Taimen crazy

The guys behind the fabulous Trout Bum Diaries DVD's are on the move again. This time in Mongolia!

Martin Joergensen
Summit pictures

Several people have asked me about pictures from the GFF Summit in September. They're coming, they're coming...!

Martin Joergensen
Wanna help?

We are (once again) moving server. This time to save money on traffic. Wanna help test the new server?

Martin Joergensen
A dumb move

Sometimes you make some silly decisions while fishing. We did that yesterday.

Martin Joergensen
Great little roadshow

I attended a nice little fishing show yesterday

Martin Joergensen
Off to the Summit

In a couple of hours we will be on the road

Martin Joergensen
New magazine

It's not often that new fly tying magazines see the light of day. Hatches is such a new magazine.

Martin Joergensen
Hatches facts

A few more facts about the new Hatches magazine

Martin Joergensen
Podcast hiatus

The GFF podcasts have had to take a long break due to broken recording equipment

Martin Joergensen

I caught my first Atlantic salmon last week. And the second, and the third and probably also the 15th

Martin Joergensen
Mullets and cows!

Some fishing day - large mullets and rods broken by cows!

Martin Joergensen
Nice online flyshop

Some fly shops just do better online than others. This one excels.

Martin Joergensen

Tons of fun

Bob Petti
Great rod tests

Yellowstone Angler is a shop - but they test rods. And they do it well!

Martin Joergensen
Monster trout!

I watched a great Norwegian DVD yesterday

Martin Joergensen
Cool, crazy flies

Foam Toads are flies just as I like them!

Martin Joergensen
Server upgrading

You may see irregularities on GFF. We're upgrading.

Martin Joergensen
Fly tying weather

The summer in Denmark has been a catastrophe. Fishing is out, fly tying is in.

Martin Joergensen
Russia rules!

There are many more Russian language web pages on fly fishing than you might imagine. And some seem really good.

Martin Joergensen
Jan's Bugs

Way Cool

Bob Petti
50$ fly rod/reel/line

I bought a complete brand new fly rod kit at 50 US$ in my local supermarket - and it's a nice rod

Martin Joergensen
Rainbows and virus

I had close to 9,000 virus-infected files and three nice rainbows this weekend

Martin Joergensen
It works!

The Burning Man pattern actually does work. Soon to become a pattern article.

Martin Joergensen
Burning Man, origin

A very strange contraption left my vice the other day. I have great expectations.

Martin Joergensen
Off the Schneid

First Trout of the Season

Bob Petti
The man

Running along the beach in pursuit of roosterfish - the new DVD Running Down The Man from Felt Soul Media

Martin Joergensen
Fish on!

First of the season

Bob Petti
Today is GFF day

Today I will try to catch up with a ton of GFF stuff that I have had laying around for months

Martin Joergensen
Too much work

Too little fishing

Martin Joergensen
Opening Day 2007

No fishing. Just scouting.

Bob Petti

After a work stint from hell I went fishing yesterday. And I'm leaving again in a minute.

Martin Joergensen
Late Winter

No fishing here for awhile

Bob Petti
The move that never came

Another nail in the never-ending server blues coffin

Martin Joergensen
And in English

There are plans to translate the DVD's I mentioned

Martin Joergensen
Sea trout DVD's

A new set of Danish DVD's look extremely interesting

Martin Joergensen
Caps status

The caps have been here for a while, but time to finish the project has not

Martin Joergensen
Yes, we have wind too!

A storm is sweeping over Europe and we're getting our shere here in Denmark

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2006
Post date Title Content Author
Goosewing Coachman?

Hey - why not?

Bob Petti

I was cheated when I bought this book by Valentine Atkinson

Martin Joergensen
More Jorgensen

A second Poul Jorgensen video online

Martin Joergensen
Server blues... again

If you are Jack, we're the beanstalk: we just keep growing

Martin Joergensen
Poul Jorgensen video

Watch legendary Poul Jorgensen tie in this excellent online video

Martin Joergensen
Salmon River Skunking

We had anti-fish slime all over us

Bob Petti
GFF Caps

We're considering having another batch made

Martin Joergensen
Summit pictures

A new GFF Pix category for pictures from the GFF Summit

Martin Joergensen
I wish

I whish I could go fishing a bit more often right now. But work and weather prohibits that

Martin Joergensen
Tis the season ...

... for bright outrageous flies

Bob Petti
First Day of Autumn

Well - close enough

Bob Petti
First autumn day

We've had an extremely warm June and July and an extremely wet August. Now it's turning autumn

Martin Joergensen
Not quite

We haven't reached the heights of the US, but still...

Martin Joergensen

Hotter .... Hottest

Bob Petti
Mullet hunting!

This year is mullet year. I intend to catch one...

Martin Joergensen

Really bad

Bob Petti
Mel Krieger

The casting wiz is coming to Europe

Martin Joergensen
Bumpy GFF

We're cleaning up. That causes errors.

Martin Joergensen
Forum down

We've had to take the forum offline for a few days

Martin Joergensen
A Fine Fish

In my part of the world, rainbow trout are exotic fish. They certainly are not native to NY waters and are rarely stocked in streams or rivers.

Bob Petti
The Rise

This past weekend, I met a couple friends for a day's fishing on Willowemoc Creek. I was walking back to join the crew when I decided to fiddle with my new camera awhile.

Bob Petti
What a day!

I had one of those fishing days you can usually only dream of

Martin Joergensen
Global braid

I love the opportunities the web gives us to become global citizens. I just got a 90% price reduction by buying in the US!

Martin Joergensen
Cool pictures

Great pictures. Good that you caught fish, Bob

Martin Joergensen

The guy, the fish

Bob Petti
Maiden Voyage

Minolta G500

Bob Petti
Opening Day - After

Still 15,000 fish shy

Bob Petti
Opening Day!

The Opening Day of Trout Season is tomorrow here in New York.

Bob Petti
Locked and Loaded

One of my pre season chores is sorting out my flox boxes. You know - discarding flies that have outlived their usefulness, adding to stock from all the winter tying, and generally tidying up.

Bob Petti

The annual trip to Bornholm is now. Yieeehaaaa!

Martin Joergensen
Make that None

A long way from here to 15,000 trout

Bob Petti
Like in zero?

Nada? Zilch? Riens? Intet? Nothing?

Martin Joergensen
A million trout

This page doesn't promise that you will make a million dollar.

Martin Joergensen
Make that 15,000

It was not a million trout, but 15,000

Martin Joergensen
Forum thoughts

We have used the same forum system for a long time

Martin Joergensen
New shooting line

I don't change my habits easily, but this shooting line may be something I will start using

Martin Joergensen
Casting instruction instruction

No, it's not an error. It's supposed to say instruction instruction. I want someone to instruct casting instructors

Martin Joergensen
No Fly Fair!

A sad announcement indeed

Martin Joergensen
Server Blues

It seems to be the story of this site...

Martin Joergensen

Scores of unknown sites top charts

Martin Joergensen

Why are we using a rod?

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2005
Post date Title Content Author
Classic Clouser

Tied my first Clouser Minnows ever a few minutes ago. What a fly!

Martin Joergensen
Clouser hook

A great tip for Clousers

Martin Joergensen
Amazing flies

Irish Open Flytying Championship has delivered some beautifult flies

Martin Joergensen
The Hatch

Interesting video about salmon fly hatch

Martin Joergensen
Bass gizmos

Those bass guys sure know how to have fun!

Martin Joergensen
Nerd stuff

I sometimes get questions about the system and technology behind GFF

Martin Joergensen
Great mullet video

I spent this evening drinking coffee and watching DVDs with some friends

Martin Joergensen
Head Shots

Some fine trout, dressed to the nines.

Bob Petti
Big Fish, Little Fish

I like all fish

Bob Petti
Pike rods

Danish Scierra are introducing some great looking rods

Martin Joergensen

Pike in the salt is something else

Martin Joergensen

Something else indeed!

Martin Joergensen
Re: Fantastic weeks!

Wow. Martin - congrats on the fine fish.

Bob Petti
Fantastic weeks!

These past couple of weeks have been fantastic on the Danish coast

Martin Joergensen

GFF is heavily copied all over the world - and not in the good way!

Martin Joergensen
Re: Do You?


Bob Petti
Do you?

Do you save boxes full of old flies for no reason? I do!

Martin Joergensen
Death and the flybox

I broke my Aquafly flybox yesterday!

Martin Joergensen

Other websites steal GFF content!

Martin Joergensen
Re: Bream

Big but not strong

Martin Joergensen

A fish almost as high as it is long

Martin Joergensen
Re: Bream

Holy Moly

Bob Petti
Cat days?

It's cold, colder, coldest!

Martin Joergensen
Dog Days

It's hot, hotter, hottest

Bob Petti
Too many fish...

...but too little fishing. The story of my holiday.

Martin Joergensen
Submit your pictures

Do you have some great fly fishing photos? Do you want to join us in an experiment?

Martin Joergensen
Comment this!

We have added a comment feature to most pages on GFF

Martin Joergensen
Landing pike

Where can I find a well illustrated description of how to hand land a pike?

Martin Joergensen

A really excellent site which I almost forgot

Martin Joergensen
I asked for it

Long time contributor Chris Del Plato reacted to my challenge

Martin Joergensen
Favorite sites

Sticking out my neck here, and I know it!

Martin Joergensen
New search

We have installed a new search facility

Martin Joergensen
Practise, man!

How do you get to Albert Hall? Practise, man, practise!

Martin Joergensen
Popper fun

I don't often fish poppers

Martin Joergensen
Back at it

Recovery has gone well

Bob Petti
Where'd they go?

The previously so abundant Danish sea trout have gone

Martin Joergensen
Beaverkill Brown

Not my last fish of the season

Bob Petti
Step on it!

But not the rod, huh?

Martin Joergensen
Re: Fantastic Spring

While on the other side of the world

Bob Petti
Fantastic spring

This year has started off very promising on the Danish coast

Martin Joergensen
Opening Day

Better than a day in the office

Bob Petti
In awe

I just picked up Fly Fishing Mexico by Daniel Beilinson and Juan Pablo Reynal in the post office. That is some book!

Martin Joergensen
Tracking you

Here at GFF we're tracking more and more details of our user's behaviour

Martin Joergensen
Bright future

The bright future of GFF resides in a 36 lbs. baby

Martin Joergensen
Beautiful day

I sing in unison with Irish band U2 - it has been a beautiful day!

Martin Joergensen
January fish

Always remember that January can surprise!

Martin Joergensen
Fall trout

The fish that fell to earth

Martin Joergensen
New Year Trout

Getting an early start on my resolution

Bob Petti
Year: 2004
Post date Title Content Author
Happy New Year!

The GFF partners hope you will catch many a great fish in 2005!

Martin Joergensen
Merry Christmas!

The GFF partners wishes everyone a great Holiday

Martin Joergensen
Did go, was dull

Derek and I and my friend Lars did go fishing that dull day...

Martin Joergensen
Dull, dull, dull...

Weather acting up as always in the autumn

Martin Joergensen
Box of Wets

Got Wet Fly Fever

Bob Petti
GFF e-cards

We're setting up a long sought after service again. Try it before it opens for real.

Martin Joergensen
Paul's diary

Welsh Paul Morgan, owner of Coch-y-Bonddu Books, has a great online diary

Martin Joergensen
GFF 10 years old

GFF was kind of founded back in 1994 by two people far apart

Martin Joergensen
Last Trout of the Year

Maybe not, but it feels like it

Bob Petti
Great fish, Bob

But are you sure you don't wanna loose that hat?

Martin Joergensen
I fish too!

But I still have my hat

Bob Petti
My GFF cap gone!

I sacrificed my trusty olive GFF cap to the mighty Skeena

Martin Joergensen
Reel Seats

I'm a sucker for a good piece of wood

Bob Petti
Salmon Season

It's time

Bob Petti
Europe's Cutest Potbelly

I might look skinny, but...

Martin Joergensen
Europe's Greatest Sandwich

It might not beat Bob's but heck it's good!

Martin Joergensen

Fishing and not fishing

Bob Petti
Europe's Greatest Sandwich

Nice Sandwich Martin ...

Bob Petti
Hook Fetish

Are there ever enough?

Bob Petti
Fly Tying To-Do Lists

Does anyone else keep one?

Bob Petti
World's Greatest Sandwich

A Quizno's Inspired Thing of Culinary Delight

Bob Petti
Whirly gig

A fond memory from a trip to California

Martin Joergensen

Hooking yourself is part of life when you fish

Martin Joergensen
Summer has gone

Temperatures are dropping - in the air and in the water

Martin Joergensen
Chained, really

Not fishing is pure torture!

Martin Joergensen

An old swap sees the light of day

Bob Petti
Bamboo Rod Building

Sneak Peak

Bob Petti

The summer got hot anyway!

Martin Joergensen
A rainy November

We're having the worst summer in many years

Martin Joergensen
Esopus Creek

A little bit of Montana in New York

Bob Petti

Spring is Gone

Bob Petti

I spin fished! And caught fish!

Martin Joergensen
Re: Envy, envy!

Well, I do have the ocean

Martin Joergensen
Re: Envy, envy!

There are two closer

Bob Petti
Envy, envy!

I wish that I had a stream in my backyard

Martin Joergensen
Small Streams

Found a gem

Bob Petti
Oh yeah - the fish

As pretty as the stream itself

Bob Petti
Gurgler Mania

Bass love 'em

Bob Petti
Pictures in books

I want more and better pictures in books

Martin Joergensen
Never again!

The world of fishing stocked lakes

Martin Joergensen
Crummy Work Days and Flytying

Get Paid to tie's how I did it...

Steve Schweitzer
Crummy Work Days and Flytying

Get Paid to tie's how I did it...

Steve Schweitzer
Opening Day

A cold one

Bob Petti
Last Minute Panic

Every year it's the same

Bob Petti
Tears for Bornholm

Never good to hear of a fishing trip I will miss

Steve Schweitzer
Preparing for Bornholm

The annual Bornholm highlight is getting closer

Martin Joergensen
A five sea trout day

Spring came - just for an hour, at least

Martin Joergensen
Spring around the corner

Winter is slowly loosing its grip here in Denmark

Martin Joergensen
More MicroBlunder Musings

Another useless microstink feature

Steve Schweitzer
Multiplexed Microsoft Mayhem

Why must meandering thru Microsoft apps be maming?

Steve Schweitzer
First fish

This year's first fish has been hooked

Martin Joergensen
Waterhen Bloa

All trout anglers should tie one

Bob Petti
Stalcup's D Rib

I'm loving this stuff

Bob Petti
I'm going fishing

Planning a trip for some Pike

Bob Petti
Rod Builders... Listen Up!

Want to submit an article?

Bob Petti
New facilities

Lots of news on GFF

Martin Joergensen
Largely painless server move

It seems that GFF runs as it should

Martin Joergensen
GFF on a new server

GFF has moved - not that you should feel any difference

Martin Joergensen
Year: 2003
Post date Title Content Author
How to Start the New Year's Right

Fishing for Hawg browns and 'bows in western tailwaters

Steve Schweitzer
Best wishes

Greetings from the GFF partners

Martin Joergensen
First snow in DK, First skiing in CO!!

Not so bad out here in the mntns...

Steve Schweitzer
Lamson's new reels

Great stuff at good prices

Martin Joergensen
First snow and New Zealand

We had the first snow in Denmark this night

Martin Joergensen
Re: Czech Nymphing

I tied up a bunch of Czech Nymphs last year following Oliver Edwards' directions. They are easy flies to tie - given the proper materials - and look great.

Bob Petti
Czech nymphing

Great Czech site on the subject

Martin Joergensen
Disk Space Blues; Yippee for New Year's!!

Martin's disk space rebuttal: I agree. But let's think about New Year's!!!

Steve Schweitzer
Disk Space Blues

It happens every other month - GFF runs out of disk space

Martin Joergensen
Before the talkies

One of the precursors for GFF was all B/W

Martin Joergensen
Nymph Project

Got hooks?

Bob Petti
Mass Production, one at a time

Sometimes it doesn't pay to do things ahead of time

Bob Petti
Morning coffee, winter waders and Christmas tree lights

I just use my old breathables, layered underneath with lots of good warm stuff!

Steve Schweitzer
100 days! 10 years!

The GFF Blog passed its 100'th day

Martin Joergensen
Re: 100 days! 10 years!

The old stuff

Bob Petti
Re: Winter waders

The case for neoprene

Bob Petti
Re: Winter waders

The case for neoprene

Bob Petti
Winter waders

In spite of what most people think, breathable waders are well suited for winter fishing

Martin Joergensen
So this is Xmas..?!

It's unbelievable! The season is almost coming to an end...

Martin Joergensen
Arctic Runner


Bob Petti
Thinking and not doing

Great ideas, wrong priorities

Steve Schweitzer
Earning my luck

The more I think the more I realize my luck

Martin Joergensen
Too many rods?

How many rods does one guy need?

Bob Petti
Book Addiction

Do I need a 12 step program?

Bob Petti
Re: Lucky Me!

Not quite as lucky

Bob Petti
Sneak Peek

Some new stuff coming up

Bob Petti
Lucky me!

I fish - a lot, actually!

Martin Joergensen
Mad dogs...

Mad dogs and Englishmen go fishing in Denmark in October

Martin Joergensen
Paralysis by Analysis

How much do you care about your casting stroke?

Bob Petti
GFF needs your input!!

Our 10 year anniversary is coming do we celebrate?!

Steve Schweitzer
Re: In the pipeline

More new articles

Bob Petti
Blackout Kluting

A blackout in most of Denmark and Southern Sweden made me tie flies

Martin Joergensen
In the pipeline

Many new articles are on the way to GFF

Martin Joergensen
The Great Nymph Project, II

We're underway

Bob Petti
Soucie's many books

A very productive author

Martin Joergensen
Harrison Steeves

His new book is out

Bob Petti
Cements and polishes and glues, oh my!

Why do I need all this junk?

Bob Petti
One of those days

Some days - even fishing days - just won't come out right

Martin Joergensen
Another new book

Neversink, by Leonard M. Wright

Bob Petti
Rainbows galore

The first autumn day was a feast!

Martin Joergensen
The Great Nymph Project

Mass Production, on a Minor Scale

Bob Petti
Beware Rust

Caught in the nick of time

Bob Petti
Autumn season begins

The autumn is here. Temps are dropping, casting arms are rising.

Martin Joergensen
Trophies on Display

NYS DEC's finest

Bob Petti
Framing flies

Had some fun framing flies today

Martin Joergensen
New Rods

Some upcoming reviews

Bob Petti
Soccer Practice

The mind wanders

Bob Petti
Chill in the air

Could Fall be near?

Bob Petti
Chill in the water

Just returned from a swim - it was cold!

Martin Joergensen
All work and no play

I long to fish

Martin Joergensen

What a nice place!

Martin Joergensen
A Man May Fish

Another book on the pile

Bob Petti
Fishing and Cameras

To take, or not to take

Bob Petti
New Zealand

I wanna go there!

Martin Joergensen
Chub and bream

Species less thought off

Martin Joergensen
Orvis CFO Discontinued?

Please, say it isn't so

Bob Petti
Catskill Flea Market

Anyone Going

Bob Petti
Fun with slides

Checking out old pics is great fun

Martin Joergensen
Denver Tackle Dealer Show

I wish I could go there...

Martin Joergensen
Still warm

The water is still more suitable for swimming than for fishing.

Martin Joergensen
Interesting tools

Mike Hogue has stuff on the way

Martin Joergensen
First GFFBlog entry

This is the first entry at all...

Martin Joergensen
Second for the same day

Taking shape

Martin Joergensen
Year: 1998
Post date Title Content Author
November 16th 1998

This year is not the most tempting though, because the fishing has been quite slow until now and the weather has been acting up. The wind has been terrible.

Martin Joergensen
November 10th 1998

So it snows again

Martin Joergensen
October 10th 1998

Few trout... and many

Martin Joergensen
September 6th 1998

A favorite season

Martin Joergensen
July 11th 1998

The summer fishing is dependent on two things - stable, warm weather and cold water.

Martin Joergensen
May 11th 1998


Martin Joergensen
April 12th 1998

Spring at last!

Martin Joergensen
Year: 1997
Post date Title Content Author
November 5th 1997

Many small fish

The autumn still seems to hold strong. Lots of reports are coming in, and there seems to be at least the normal abundance of sea trout - if not more.

Martin Joergensen
October 17th 1997

The trout have returned

Martin Joergensen
May 25th 1997

Sea trout and garfish

Martin Joergensen
April 23rd 1997

A normal season

Everything indicates that this season will be far better than the last one - which was catastrophic.

Martin Joergensen
March 6th 1997

The sea trout season has started...

Martin Joergensen
January 20th 1997

The ice is gone...

Martin Joergensen
Year: 1996
Post date Title Content Author
December 12th 1996

A couple of questions from Germany

I recieved an e-mail today and will let that be the first 'Right now' section for a long time:

Martin Joergensen
October 30th 1996

The first autumn storm

The first autumn storm is sweeping the nation. High velocity winds, rising water and falling leaves mark the move from kind indian summer to rough autumn.

Martin Joergensen
August 6th 1996


Martin Joergensen
June 9th 1996

Water is warming up fast

Martin Joergensen
May 31st 1996

It is a strange spring

Martin Joergensen
May 13th 1996

That #?%&/# wind!

Martin Joergensen
April 29th 1996

The garfish are here

Martin Joergensen
April 26th 1996

Fish early and late

Martin Joergensen
April 20th 1996

Whadda short spring that was

Martin Joergensen
Start of April 1996

Denmark is still a cold place

Martin Joergensen

Since you got this far …

The GFF money box

… I have a small favor to ask.

Long story short

Support the Global FlyFisher through several different channels, including PayPal.

Long story longer

The Global FlyFisher has been online since the mid-90's and has been free to access for everybody since day one – and will stay free for as long as I run it.
But that doesn't mean that it's free to run.
It costs money to drive a large site like this.
See more details about what you can do to help in this blog post.